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Breathing Rate


Avg. breath rate

Measured 2 days ago



Coughing episodes

Last 7 days



Fat burned

2 days ago

Resting Heart Rate


Beats per minute

Normal Range

Bodyweight Workout



Top reps this week



Fat burned

2 days ago




Measured 10h ago

Heart Rate Variability



Measured 2h ago

Compatible with Aidlab, Aidmed One and Pulsoximeter.

Build projects with data collected from your body

The Aidlab SDK facilitates the integration and utilization of data like heart rate, respiration, skin temperature, as well as activity, mood, and stress levels with all devices supporting Bluetooth 4.0+

Get Aidlab SDKRead Docs

Focus on the fun part, let us handle the rest

Aidlab SDK lets you dive deep inside programming and juggling with health and fitness data almost immediately. Integrate your app with Aidlab, Aidmed One and Pulsoximeter and start building your own projects.

  • iOS bindings
  • Android bindings
  • Python bindings
  • Unity bindings
  • Flutter bindings
  • Easy installation
  • Well-documented code
  • Real-time streaming
  • Data export
  • Raw data output
  • Accurate readings
import UIKit
import Aidlab

class HomeViewController: UIViewController, DeviceDelegate {

    func didReceiveECG(_ device: Device, timestamp: UInt64, value: Float) {

        heartRateLabel?.text = heartRate.calculate(from: value)

    func didDetect(_ device: Device, exercise: Exercise) {
        if exercise == pushUp {
            playSound(file: "pushup.mp3")

    func wearStateDidChange(_ device: Device, state: WearState) { /* ... */ }

    /// ...

import com.aidlab.sdk.*

class MainActivity: AppCompatActivity(), DeviceDelegate {

    fun didReceiveRespirationRate(device: Device, timestamp: Long, value: Float) {

        respirationRateTextView?.text = value.toString()

    fun didDetectExercise(device: Device, exercise: Exercise) {
        if(exercise == pushUp) {

    fun didReceiveBatteryLevel(device: Device, stateOfCharge: Int) { /* ... */ }

    /// ...

import asyncio
from aidlab import AidlabManager, DeviceDelegate, DataType

class MainManager(DeviceDelegate):
    async def run(self):
        devices = await AidlabManager().scan()
        if len(devices) > 0:
            print("Connecting to: ", devices[0].address)
            await devices[0].connect(self, [DataType.MOTION, DataType.ORIENTATION])
            while True:
                await asyncio.sleep(1)

    def did_connect(self, device):
            print("Connected to:", device.address)

    def did_disconnect(self, device):
            print("Disconnected from:", device.address)

    def did_detect_exercise(self, device, exercise):
            # ...

using UnityEngine;

public class MainLoop : MonoBehaviour, AidlabDelegate {

    void Start() {

        aidlab = new Aidlab(this);

    void Update() {


        var cube = GameObject.Find("Cube");
        Vector3 position = cube.transform.position;
        position.y = aidlab.getCurrentRespirationSample();
        cube.transform.position = position;

    private Aidlab aidlab;

Create your first project with Aidlab SDK

Start tinkering with the most advanced assistant by reading materials we have prepared for you.See other examples on our GitHub


Get the most up-to-date SDK for variety of platforms.

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Learn how to develop apps with Aidlab SDK.


Check out the latest engineering news and guidelines.

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What can you do with Aidlab SDK?

Create your family's health center. Use Aidlab SDK in your health research. Integrate it with other IoT devices. Learn how to develop your first app for iOS, Android and more platforms.

Made with Aidlab SDK
Platform possibilitiesPlatform possibilities

Users say

In my opinion, building health, fitness or IoT related projects is really difficult and Aidlab SDK gives us tools to make a fast start for everyone. It's amazing that you no longer have to be a Steven Wozniak or John Carmack to create great stuff.

Wojtek Kokorzycki, Head of Hackerspace 3City

Wojtek Kokorzycki

Aidlab SDK is playing a vital role in creating an IoT-oriented culture at our coding courses. It helps our students to dive into development really fast and smooth. They have an opportunity to interact with wireless communication or data analysis, staying close to the hardware.

Marcin Młyński, CEO at CODE:ME coding courses

Marcin Młyński

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Aidlab™ is a registered trademark. Copyright © 2024