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Introducing Teams

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Maciej Daniszewski

Updated onJuly 1, 2020

At Aidlab we’re strong believers in remote health and fitness monitoring. That’s why today we’re introducing a new feature called Teams, which provides a whole new experience for anyone who needs an insight into a group’s data.

Why Teams?

Recently we’ve found that a lot of our customers lack the much needed possibility to access other users’ data — e.g. personal trainers or physicians who analyze their clients’ or patients’ improvements and health on a daily basis. Especially in times like these, it’s more challenging, as many businesses and services have temporarily moved to a remote mode of working. Families who use Aidlab to monitor all of their members’ health also struggle to remotely control their loved ones’ well-being.

That’s why we’ve come up with a convenient solution to tackle these challenges. Teams enables any premium Aidlab user to create their own team, add a number of users and effortlessly analyze their data in one place.

What’s changing?

We will be slowly rolling out new changes in several phases to build towards our Teams goal. The first changes have already been introduced. A new subpage has been added to your account. It will allow you to easily create a new team and invite users to join it. You’ll also be able to check out all the teams you belong to. As a team owner, you can not only invite, but also delete members and get an insight into all of their measured data.

Teams Feature

To help you with simple and effortless analysis, we’re working on a custom report generator as we speak. You’ll be able choose the right members and type of report and that’s all. An export-ready PDF file will be created just for you in no time.

What’s coming next?

We believe Teams pave the way for future improvements that provide greater visibility and more efficient fitness & health management.

With time, we’ll be adding new options and features regarding Teams. Besides the report generator, our current plans include different types of teams, app alerts regarding team members’ vitals and the possibility to invite members without an Aidlab account. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please share them with us at

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